August 09, 2004 -- HM -- Byro Log Out | Topics | Search
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Board Administrator
Username: mjm

Post Number: 3594
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 8:49 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Honorable Mention
Last Night with Andre
Laurie Byro

Last night with Andre I rode
the arch of his eyebrow like a dove.

We sat outside 10 Railroad Avenue,
spoke quietly about changing our lives.
He wants to go back to Chile and teach
the Indians how to farm. How many nights
have I drowned in the waves of a fast man’s body.
Andre is the raft that pulls me back.

We toss crusts of yeasty bread to curious birds.
He rubs the back of my hand over and over
like a stone the water smoothes in a river.

Andre has just broken up with a model.
He spent months debating the Spring collection,
rhe summer line from Milano. With empty eyes,
he tells me he loves this one. He just doesn’t
have a feel for fashion.

I watch his pupils dilate and flare when he speaks
of her. Their bodies grapple and shimmy like
skaters when he tosses her in the air, the sharpness
of her blade cuts the space between them. Abruptly,
he changes the subject, his pupils dark and sooty wicks.

I have no advice for a man I love who keeps
coming back to me with stories about a world
I barely recognize. He lights the candle at our table,
I speak of leaving my country.

He kisses the inside of my palm and tells me
about the tattoos that models wear as a shield
against their nakedness. Katarina has an elaborate
Celtic knot I the small of her back, a rosebud
over the bud of her left nipple.

Tonight, in the dark, we will lie in the shadows
of hemlocks that are dying. Their branches,
empty of needles. Pine trees that have survived
this blight will tuck our bodies in with rich,
exotic pine. Andre is more familiar
with the fragrance of cypress.

He will run his tongue along the bones of my spine,
noting my lack of adornment. I have thought
about getting a tattoo. I have thought about leaving for Chile.

I go back to sitting outside this café, that restaurant. His thumbs
worry my collarbone, the wings of my shoulders.
After we feed the doves, I disappear into the tunnel
of his pupils, hammer myself against the doors of his eyes.

Tonight I will leave the bedroom windows open.
We will feel the breath of the dying trees. We can never
be sure if the distant light of the stars is real or just
a reflection against glass. We will bruise ourselves trying
to break free to the outside.

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